
Paladins dredge crows nest
Paladins dredge crows nest

You have an instinctive sense of interplanar travel. You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more quickly than normal. You have pledged your immortal soul to a particular demon lord in return for a gift that aids your evil works in life. However, your preoccupation with such thoughts makes you a little less aware of your surroundings. You are fascinated by knowledge and learning and are capable of pursuing complex trains of thought quite quickly. You are difficult and demanding in conversation, which tends to oppress those around you. You are accomplished at remaining unseen when you're sniping with a ranged weapon.

paladins dredge crows nest

You cast more effective protective spells. This attack becomes more potent than normal. Your helpful transmutation spells aid you more than normal.Ĭhoose one of your special attacks. Thanks to your heritage, you are one of these latter, and have learned to channel your inhuman bloodline into your shapeshifting power. Most druids detest aberrations and think of them as outside nature, but some view them simply as examples of nature from an extreme and alien world.

paladins dredge crows nest

This taint manifests physically in your appearance in some noticeable way. One of your ancestors was an aberration and has passed the taint of its aberrant physiology down through the generations to you. You can cast spells that do additional damage to aberrations.

paladins dredge crows nest

Aberrant DragonmarkĪlthough you are not a recognized member of one of the dragonmarked families, you have manifested a dragonmark.

Paladins dredge crows nest